Know About Lead India Group’s Newspapers
In early phase of 2006 Honorable Dr. APJ Kalam suggested some guidelines to us. Actually it was for all media but we took it as mission. In an informal meeting Honorable Dr. Kalam suggested us the name Lead India. So in this way Lead India Group decide to plan for a daily news paper with a superb journalistic vision and Positive news of India. For this research work was started in 2007. Core team of Lead India Group worked on the concept of newspaper, and then in-house production was started.
Gradually Lead India started to be distributed to its particular subscribers in Hindi language. Simultaneously, Inside Story Hindi and English fortnightly, Group’s other unit which was based on investigated stories, was doing good and getting more popular among readers.
Infect, the concept of Lead India isn’t new. It was conceived with Inside Story fortnightly news paper before. It was decided that there must be news paper that could provide readers the positive news that fill them with vital energy every morning.
After good response later on LEAD INDIA daily was started in English. We are serving a new kind of journalism that talk about positive news. As our Mentor Dr. Kalam said, It is required that the beginning of the day must be happy and gay. Though it doesn’t mean that news from crime and other negative news would be ignored, they will keep their own place but in a very balanced manner.
Details of Newspaper:
RNI Number: DELHIN/2009/29595
Periodicity: Daily
Language: Hindi
Price: Rs. 2/-
Publisher & Editor: Subhash Singh
Circulation Area: Delhi, UP, MP, Jharkhand, Punjab, Bihar, Haryana, Rajasthan, Kochhi
Vision and Motto:
Journalism has lasting effects on our society, particular on the new generation. So LEAD INDIA will be cherry and cautious in selecting the news and views. Lead India is highly abided to follow this path.
In today’s trend we see the presentation of news is becoming sensational to increase TRP/readership. Differ from this motive Lead India will always be ready to convey the positive news to the readers that will contribute in new India, Growing India. This paper will try to keep contributing to Dr. Kalam’s vision 2020 for Developed India through its News.
Lead India weekly newspaper is an ambitious project of Lead India Group. India have over 1 lakh newspapers and 1000 of News Channels in many language. People are getting national and global news but their own news is missing. So Lead India Weekly is coming to fill this gap. To give full coverage of a particular area’s problems, achievements Lead India will focus on the news of a particular constituency It will be launched first from the very problem some area of National Capital, where the people are suffering and need much such kind of media. Gradually Lead India will launch one separate edition of its weekly, focusing on two constituency of Delhi. In this way in Delhi Lead India’s 34 separate editions will serve for 70 constituencies. This chain will cover total constituencies of India gradually.
Vision and Motto
Through this vision Lead India will play a significant role in the development of a particular area. It will highlight the issues of common people that need attention, it will give Identity to the talents, sport person, artist. It will celebrate their joys. As the mentor of Lead India Group Dr. Kalam also stated many times that the smallest achievements of common man who are contributing to build our nation must be the part of Media.
RNI Number: DELHIN/2015/64915
Periodicity: Daily
Language: Hindi
Price: Rs. 12
Inside Story(Hindi and English Fortnightly)
INSIDE STORY an English and Hindi Fortnightly News Paper was emerged to expose the corruption and to bring into the light the hidden truth, the truth that runs parallel with mainstream society, the truth which we ignore or don’t want to see deliberately.
INSIDE STORY earned acclamation from the readers that issues and stories published in its Hindi edition served good. After huge demand of readers Group introduced INSIDE STORY in English language too.
Details of Newspaper
RNI Number: DELHIN/2008/25250
Periodicity: Fortnightly
Language: Hindi
Price: Rs.15
Circulation Area: Delhi, UP, MP, Jharkhand, Punjab, Bihar, Haryana, Rajasthan,
RNI Number: DELENG/2009/28831
Periodicity: Fortnightly
Language: English
Price: Rs. 17/-
Tag Line: “Andar Ki Baat”
Publisher & Editor: Subhash Singh
Today we are aware with the power and responsibility of media. But with regret we have to accept this fact that reach of media is confined to the metro cities and some small cities. Still there are so many areas where the light of journalism is being awaited.
Our mission is to empower and vigilant each and every citizen of India with our committed journalistic passion. The vision of Inside Story will come true when we will reach to remote areas of India with this journalistic passion.
Sensex Time(Hindi and English Fortnightly Business Magazine)
We see special column and column and page for homemaking, children’s query, and career oriented content for youth and so on in our newspapers. In this list, news from economic world cannot be ignored to be treated as special one.
We must say it requires more specific and specialized content. Realizing this fact SENSEX TIME in Hindi is running since 2009 and getting tremendous popularity. Considering English reader’s demand ‘Lead India Group’ launched English Edition of SENSEX TIME with same concept that is of Hindi edition of SENSEX TIME.
Details of Magazine:
RNI Number: DELENG/2009/30510
Periodicity: Fortnightly
Language: English
Price: Rs. 15/-
Circulation: All over India
Punch Line: “Your Profit”
RNI Number: DELHIN/2008/25226
Periodicity: Fortnightly
Language: English
Price: Rs. 10/-
Publisher & Editor: Subhash Singh and Taruna S Gaur
The SENSEX TIME concentrates on policies and changes happening in the economic world to make the readers vigilant. We have clear motto to publish stories and articles that grow your profit, as the punch line of the SENSEX TIME is” Your Profit’
The vision of SENSEX TIME is to safe and save the precious capital of investors either it may be in business or in share market. SENSEX TIME will always try to put a very vivid picture of money and corporate world and the policy of government in this field.